How To Potty Train Your Doodle Puppy

labradoodle laying in grass

Potty training your puppy might seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, you can establish successful potty habits that will last a lifetime. A good rule of thumb is to start potty training your Doodle around 8 to 12 weeks of age. At this time, they are more receptive to learning and can start to control their bladder and bowel movements.

Whether you're a first-time Doodle owner or you've had Doodles before, every pup is unique and requires individualized attention. By understanding your puppy's behavior and needs, you'll pave the way for successful potty training.

How to Potty Train Your Puppy: Step-by-Step

Setting the Stage for Success

Before diving into the actual potty-training process, it's crucial to create a conducive environment for success.

Create a Designated Potty Area

Determine a special potty spot in your yard for your new puppy to use as a toilet. This will assist them in associating the place with potty time.

Choose a Command

Choose a command that is straightforward and easy to remember. For example, say "Go potty," everytime your pup goes to the bathroom so he associates this word with going potty outside. You can also use clicker training for this. Every time your pup eliminates outside click the clicker and give them a treat. This way they will associate going outside with positivity.

Establish a Routine

cute goldendoodle puppy chewing on toy

Puppies thrive on routines, so establishing a consistent schedule will make the potty-training process more manageable. By creating a potty training schedule, you will give yourself and your Dood peace of mind.

Morning and Bedtime Trips

Each day should begin and end with a trip outside so your pup can use the restroom.

Frequent Potty Breaks

Bring your puppy outside at specific periods of time. To start, make bathroom breaks every one to two hours, especially after it has been sleeping, eating, drinking, playing, or waking up.

Mealtime Consistency

Set specific meal times for your pup. By having a consistent feeding schedule, you will find it much simpler to anticipate when they need to go potty.

Positive Reinforcement

doodle with tongue out standing on grass

Use positive reinforcement techniques can make a significant impact on your puppy's learning process.

Praise and Treats

After your puppy successfully uses the bathroom outside, make sure to give them lots of praise. This way they will associate going potty outside with positivity.

Ignore Accidents

Accidents are inevitable in the potty training process. If your puppy has an accident within the house, you don't punish them. Instead, wipe things up using an enzymatic cleanser in a calm manner to avoid associating going to the bathroom with anything unfavorable.

Watch for Signs

Understanding your puppy's cues can help you anticipate their needs.

Sniffing and Circling

If your puppy starts sniffing the floor or circling in a specific area, this likely indicates that they need to go.


Pacing or restlessness could be a sign that your puppy needs a potty break.

Gradual Freedom

As your puppy starts showing consistency, you can gradually give them more freedom indoors.

Supervised Access

Allow your puppy more time indoors, but keep a close eye on them to prevent accidents.

Crate Training

Utilize a crate when you can't supervise your puppy to prevent accidents and encourage bladder control. You can put training pads in the crate as a just-in-case for any accidents.

Common Potty Training Struggles and Solutions

sheepadoodle laying on grass

Potty Regression

If your puppy regresses, don't be discouraged.

Reevaluate Schedule

Make sure you're still following a consistent routine and providing enough potty breaks.

Health Check

If regression continues, consult your vet to rule out any underlying medical issues.

Fear of Outdoors

Some puppies may be initially scared of going outside.

Positive Associations

Gradually associate the outdoors with positive experiences, like playtime and treats.


Give your puppy time to acclimate to the new environment.

Excessive Excitement

Puppies can get excited and forget to go potty.

Scheduled Trips

Stick to the schedule, even if your puppy seems distracted.

Redirect Excitement

Calmly guide your puppy back to their potty area if they get too excited.

Best Potty Training Products for Puppies

Best Pee Pads: Amazon Basics - Pee Pads with 5-Layer Leak-Proof Design

Best Poop Bags: Earth Rated - Extra Thick Poop Pads

Best Doggy Doorbell: Luckyiren - Dog Doorbells

Best Urine Detector: Vansky - UV Flashlight Pet Urine Detector

Best Natural Pet Odor Eliminator: Rocco & Roxie Pet Enzyme Cleaner

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