10 Unique Tricks to Teach Your Doodle (With Videos)

Are you ready to take your Doodle's training to the next level? Teaching your furry friend some fun and unique tricks can be a great way to engage their mind, strengthen your bond and provide mental stimulation. Plus, it's a lot of fun for both of you! So, grab your clicker, your Doodle's favorite treats, and let's get started!

Balance Treats On Nose

  1. Start with your Doodle in a sit position.
  2. Hold a tasty treat and bring it close to your Doodle's snout.
  3. Say "balance" and gently position the treat on your Doodle's nose, ensuring it's safe and comfortable for them.
  4. As soon as your Doodle holds the treat on their snout without an immediate attempt to eat it, give them a second treat as a reward and offer plenty of praise.
  5. Bonus: Add a time duration for an advanced trick.

Sit Pretty / Stand on Hind Legs

  1. Start with your Doodle in a sit position.
  2. Hold treat and raise above Doodle's snout.
  3. Say "sit pretty" and slowly raise the treat.
  4. As soon as your Doodle raises their front paws, give them the treat and lots of praise.
  5. Continue to raise the treat higher until your Doodle sits up and their body is in a standing position.
  6. Bonus: Add a time duration to the cute trick.

Kiss Me

  1. Start with your Doodle in a sit position.
  2. Dab a little treat paste or peanut butter on your cheek (or wherever you're comfortable receiving a "kiss").
  3. Say "kiss" and lean towards your Doodle, encouraging them to lick the treat off.
  4. As soon as your Doodle gives you a lick, praise them enthusiastically and offer a treat.
  5. Repeat the process, gradually removing the treat paste until your Doodle associates the command "kiss" with the action.

Speak / Bark on Command

  1. Start in a quiet location with minimal distractions.
  2. Say "Speak" or "Bark," and then prompt a bark by knocking on the wall, door, or use any other method that usually gets your Doodle barking.
  3. As soon as your Doodle barks, immediately give them the treat and positive reinforcement.
  4. Repeat the process, with the goal of eventually phasing out the prompt (like knocking) and using only the verbal command, rewarding your Doodle when they bark after hearing only the verbal command.

Shake Hands / Give Paw

  1. Start with your Doodle in a sit position.
  2. Hold a treat in your hand and show it to your Doodle but do not let them take it.
  3. Say "paw" or "shake," and gently tap one of your Doodle's front paws with your other hand.
  4. As soon as your Doodle lifts their paw, even a little bit, give them the treat and praise them enthusiastically.
  5. Repeat this process several times until your Doodle starts to raise their paw without the tap. 

Play Dead / "Bang Bang"

  1. Start with your Doodle in a 'down' position.
  2. Hold a treat in your hand and show it to your Doodle but don't let them take it.
  3. Say "play dead" or "bang bang" and slowly shift the treat towards your Doodle's shoulder. This should cause your Doodle to lay on their side.
  4. As soon as your Doodle is fully on their side, give them the treat and plenty of praise.
  5. Repeat this process, each time moving the treat closer to the floor, encouraging your Doodle to lay their head down.
  6. Bonus: For a fun party trick, add a visual element, like a pretend gun made with your hand, along with the command.

Roll Over

  1. Start with your Doodle in a 'down' position.
  2. .Say "roll over," and gently guide the treat around your Doodle's shoulder, encouraging them to turn over.
  3. Once your Doodle has rolled over, immediately give them the treat and offer enthusiastic praise.
  4. Repeat the process, eventually phasing out guiding the treat and using only the command, rewarding your Doodle when they roll over on hearing just the verbal command.

Army Crawl

  1. Start with your Doodle in a 'down' position.
  2. Hold a treat in your hand and show it to your Doodle, but don't let them eat it yet.
  3. Say "crawl" and gradually move the treat in front of your Doodle's nose, just out of its reach.
  4. As soon as your Doodle starts to move or crawl towards the treat, praise them enthusiastically and allow them to take the treat.
  5. Repeat this process, each time moving the treat a little further away to encourage your Doodle to crawl.
  6. Bonus: Add some obstacles or shape a course for your Doodle to crawl through.


  1. Start with your Doodle in a 'stand' position.
  2. Hold a delicious treat in your hand and show it to your Doodle, but don't let them take it yet.
  3. Say "bow" and slowly lower the treat between your Doodle's front paws.
  4. As your Doodle reaches down towards the treat, their front end should lower into a bow position while their rear stays up.
  5. The moment your Doodle achieves the bowing position, give them the treat and praise them enthusiastically.
  6. Repeat this process several times until your Doodle associates the command "bow" with the action.

Clean Up Your Toys

  1. Start with your dog in a 'sit' position near their toy box or designated toy area.
  2. Grab one of your Doodle's toys and let them sniff it but not take it yet.
  3. Say "clean up" and gently nudge your Doodle towards the toy, encouraging them to pick it up with their mouth.
  4. As soon as your Doodle picks up the toy, guide them towards the toy box.
  5. When you're near the toy box, give the command "drop it" to encourage your dog to release the toy into the box.
  6. Once your Doodle drops the toy into the box, give them a treat and offer ample praise.
  7. Continue with this process, gradually increasing the distance between your Doodle, the toys, and the toy box, and eventually phasing out the direct guiding towards the box.
  8. Bonus: You can scatter the toys at different places and turn cleaning them up into a fun game.

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