How to Understand Your Doodle's Body Language 2023

goldendoodle laying down

Understanding our Doodle buddies is a top priority when it comes to knowing what they want or need. One crucial skill to understanding your Doodle is the ability to read their body language. Dogs communicate through various motions, and deciphering their body language signals can help you navigate your doodle’s emotions and needs. In this article, we will explore some common cues that dogs use and what they mean.

Doodles Don't Communicate Verbally; They Do It with Body Language

It’s safe to say that all Doodles are unique and knowing how they communicate with us will make us better pet owners. They can't speak our language, but they sure know how to communicate with us through their body language. It's like they have a secret code that only pet parents can decipher. So, if you want to truly understand what your Doodle is trying to tell you, it's time to learn how to read their body language.


white and black doodle dog

Most people would assume that a wagging tail is typically associated with a happy and friendly dog, but it's essential to understand that it's not always as straightforward as it seems.

First, let's talk about the position of the tail. A relaxed, natural tail position means that your doodle is feeling calm and content. It will hang down naturally, going with the flow of their movements. This is usually a good sign that your pup is in a happy state.

However, if you notice your dog's tail stiffening or being held high, it could be an indication that they are on alert. This might be their way of saying, "I'm not quite sure about this situation." Similarly, if you see your dog's tail twitching or wagging in short, rapid movements, it could be a sign of agitation or potential aggression. Pay close attention to their tail position to gauge their overall emotional state.

Remember, context is crucial when interpreting your dog's tail language. Take into account the overall body posture, facial expressions, and the environment they are in. An excited tail wag during playtime at the park is entirely different from a stiff wag in a confrontational situation.

Raised Hairs

When you see your Doodle's hair raised, it's essential not to jump to conclusions and assume they are automatically aggressive or fearful. While raised hair can be a sign of heightened arousal, it doesn't necessarily mean they are about to lash out.

Dogs' hair can be raised for various reasons, including excitement, curiosity, or even playing. It's like their way of saying, "Hey, something has caught my attention, and I'm ready to investigate!" So, if your dog's hair is raised while they're happily exploring new places or meeting new friends, there is no cause for concern.

However, in some situations, raised hair can indicate stress or anxiety. If your Doodle's raised hair is accompanied by other signs of fear, such as flattened ears or a tucked tail, it's a good idea to create a calm and safe environment for them. By removing any potential stressors or giving them some space, you can help them to relax.

So, the next time you notice your pup's hair standing up, take a moment to assess the situation and consider the overall body language. Your attentiveness will help you better understand your furry friend's state of mind, whether it's a harmless display of curiosity or a sign of stress. Happy hackle reading!


Posture is one of the most telling aspects of a dog’s body language. Just like us humans, dogs use their bodies to communicate their thoughts and feelings. By paying attention to their posture, we can gain valuable insights into what our furry friends are trying to tell us.

When it comes to reading posture, it's important to look at the position of their entire body, not just one part. A relaxed and comfortable doodle will have a loose and open body posture. Their muscles are relaxed, and they may even be a bit wiggly or wiggly-waggly.

On the other hand, a dog in a defensive or fearful state will exhibit a more tense posture. They may exhibit stiff body posture with their muscles all tightened up. This is their way of showing that they are on high alert and ready to protect themselves if needed.

Another posture to look out for is a low and crouched position, often seen in dogs that are submissive or afraid. They may try to make themselves appear smaller by lowering their body and even tucking their tail between their legs. This is a clear sign that they are feeling intimidated or scared.

And let's not forget about the classic play bow! When a dog wants to engage in play, they will often lower their front end while keeping their back end up in the air. This is an invitation for fun and frolic and is commonly seen during playtime with other dogs or even with us humans.

Facial Expressions

cockapoo cavapoo

When it comes to understanding our Doodles, their body language is like a secret code that tells us how they're feeling. And one important aspect to decode is their facial expressions. Yes, just like humans, dogs also use their faces to communicate emotions.

One key facial feature to pay attention to is their eyes. Eye contact can speak volumes in the canine world. For example, direct eye contact can be seen as a challenge or a sign of dominance, especially if it's prolonged or intense. On the other hand, if your pup avoids eye contact or looks away, it could be a sign of submission or even fear.

But it's not just the eyes that hold clues to their emotions. The mouth is also an important indicator. A relaxed mouth with slightly open lips is a sign that they are feeling calm and content. They might even have a happy, panting smile on their face. However, if their mouth is tightly closed or their lips are pulled back tightly, it could be a sign of fear or aggression.

The position of their ears can reveal a lot about their mood. When your dog's ears are upright and forward, it usually means they're alert and attentive. But if their ears are pinned back against their head, it's often a sign of fear or anxiety.

Understanding your dog's facial expressions can help you assess their emotional state and respond accordingly. If you notice signs of fear or stress, creating a safe and comfortable environment for them is essential. On the other hand, when you see a relaxed and happy expression, join in on their joy and share in the fun!

Zoomies Don’t Always Equal Joy

small doodle jumping

Have you ever witnessed your Doodle suddenly burst into a frenzy of wild, erratic zoomies around the house or the backyard? Most of us assume that these zoomies are a surefire sign of pure joy and boundless energy, but that's not always the case.

Zoomies, also known as Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs), are often associated with a release of pent-up energy or excitement. Dogs may have the zoomies after a bath, during playtime, or when they're feeling particularly happy. However, it's important to remember that zoomies can also be a manifestation of stress, anxiety, or even fear.

So, how can you tell if your dog's zoomies are a result of joy or something else? Pay attention to their overall body language. If they seem relaxed, with loose muscles and a happy expression, chances are they're just excited and having fun. However, if their body appears tense, their tail is tucked, or their ears are pinned back, it may indicate that their zoomies stem from fear or stressful situations.


Reading your Doodle’s body language is invaluable for any pet parent. It allows you to understand their emotions, needs, and state of mind. By paying attention to signals like neutral position, eye contact, tail wagging, body posture, and calming signals, you can build a stronger bond with your canine companion and create a more fulfilling relationship. So, next time you interact with your dog, take a moment to observe their body language and see what they're trying to tell you. Happy communicating!

Best Toys For Doodles

Best Interactive Toy: GUSSLM - Interactive Ball with Remote Control

Best for Nose Work - Sniffiz Enrichment Snuffle Mat

Best For Chasers - iFetch - Interactive Ball Launcher

Best Tough Chewer Soft Toy: Tuffy - Ultimate Boomerang

Best for Aggressive Chewers: LPHSNR - Pineapple Dog Toy

Best for Interactive Training: PetSafe Treat & Train - Remote Treat Dispensing Dog Training System

Best for Dog Communication Training: FRQNTKPA - 8 Color Voice Recording Button

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